He offers expertise in all aspects of general Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT), Head and Neck, Thyroid and parathyroid conditions as well as sub-specialist knowledge in throat, voice, swallowing problems, snoring and neck and thyroid lumps, and Head and Neck Surgery. He is happy to see patients with following problems
Offer surgery for thyroid cysts, thyroid nodules, multi nodular goiter (MNG), Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves’ disease, and Thyroid Cancer
Offer hemithyroidectomy as well as total thyroidectomy when needed
Very good results with very low complication rate
Management of hyperparathyroidism and parathyroid adenoma.
Offer targeted unilateral parathyroid operation as well as bilateral operations
Management of normo-calcemic hyperparathyroidism.
High success rate with very low complication rate
Treatment for recurrent tonsillitis, snoring, blocked nose, and throat infection and tonsil stones & Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy
Septoplasty, Reduction of Turbinate
Management of middle ear effusion in children
Including Laser surgery to vocal cords, management of polyps, nodules, vocal cord cysts,
Treatment of globus pharyngeus and muscle spasm and tension problems,
Management of pharyngeal spasm and pharyngeal pouch, and review of pateint with concerning throat symtoms.
Functional problems of the nose
Including treatment of blocked nose, sinusitis, runny nose, rhinitis, deviated septum
Including FESS (Functional endoscopic Sinus Surgery), Septoplasty, and Reduction of Turbinate
Neck Lumps including Thyroid and Salivary Gland problems.
Head and Neck Cancer
Including throat, salivary, thyroid cancers and HPV related cancers.
Review of patients conerned about head and neck cancer.
Offer salivary gland operation with very good results.
Including full assessment and surgical treatment where necessary
Including lipoma, skin cysts, BCC (Basal Cell Carcinoma), SCC (Squamous Cell Carcinoma), and Melanoma